How to Append UTM?
Appending UTM Globally
1.Click UTM, check the "Append UTM" box in the HandL Options tab and save changes NOTE: This m...
Appending UTMs to the buttons using class name attributes (Selectively)
If you have a button or link that you would like to append all the collected UTMs to. Use the cla...
Appending UTMs to the Iframe src
You can append all the UTMs to your target website URL within iframe. This is actually very helpf...
Appending UTMs using Shortcode
If none of the other propsed solutions here How to Append UTM? worked, you can always pull the UT...
Append UTMs upon DOM change
Here is an example of snippet you can use to append UTMs upon a DOM change. This requires advance...
Selecting specific parameters for append utm
In some rare instances, you might want to specify certain parameters to append and exclude the re...
Skip Appending UTMs on Some Links
The no-utm class is used to exclude specific links or elements from having UTM parameters appende...